Could someone explain the use of できる as well as the ば condtional of the sentence provided in the text description?

Some questions about this sentence where I think I understand the meaning but just can’t fully grasp way it was written that way.


I understand it as “I haven’t arrived at home yet but I arrived in Tokyo so being already here it feels like I already almost returned.

So my questions:

1) Why isできた used here?

Is it similar to like in English you can say “I managed/was able to arrive in Tokyo”

Would replacingできた withした be also possible here or would 東京には到着したのでもうここまでくればほぼ帰ったようなもの be just plain wrong?

2) Why is the conditional for ofくる、くれば used here?

ここまでくればほぼ帰ったようなもの If I came until here it almost feels like having returned ?

Isn’t the conditional used for hypothetical (but plausible) situations? But here the situation (arrival in Tokyo) already happened therfor not hypothetical anymore so why the use of a conditional?

Would sth. likeここまできたのでほぼ帰ったようなもの be wrong here?

I know I might be strange in that regard but for me it’s sometimes a worse feeling to understand the meaning of a sentence and know the grammar and vocabulary but struggle to get why certain words or grammar structures were used than to just not understand a sentence because of missing vocabulary or grammar. I always feel like „Yeah I know what it means but why did they write it that way?“

by dontsaltmyfries

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