Going back to language school versus job hunting

I wanted to ask what people thought about job hunting after going to language school. Looking at past posts, nothing really fit my current status.

Due to redundancy, I will be forced to leave my current job. Although I currently have another prospect lined up, I wanted to see if anyone has gone back to language school in order to learn Japanese to achieve their target. The reason being that this company has quite a few red flags, so it might not be a company I would like to work with long anyway.

My current language path is trying to find time to study to my target, N2, in between work and my other obligations. Currently, I am N3 certified, but I found it difficult to continue to study at my previous job, and juggle my other obligations, so I feel I will be unable to do so at a job with the same amount of hours and lack of flexibility.

Another option I am considering is returning to a language school to achieve my language goal and get a better job prospect sometime in the future after that. I have received mixed advice from friends and family, including recruiters friends.

Looking at past posts, the response from this community is that you are not going to be able to compete with Japanese people, but I have personally found that I do not have too much trouble getting interest from companies and getting interviews even in this job market, but my Japanese is constantly cited as the reason why I am not chosen for a specific job, or moved forward. What I gained from this is that I have marketable skills, and a resume that is attractive, but am unable to fully leverage that.

Additionally, I am pretty sure I will have economic support from my family, along with a way to make money in the meantime while studying.

To me, it seems less risky than most other people asking who are English teachers here, or not even really in Japan.

by Competitive_Olive675

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