How to do Self-Studying after learning in a traditional classroom setting?

Hello, I had been taking Japanese in university but had to stop for a bit and have to wait until this coming spring to continue taking it. I was in my second class at the intermediate level, so we had finished both of the genki books and were starting on the tobira book at the time. I’ve never self-studied before and haven’t studied since last February. I want to get back into studying again and get my skills back up so when I start my next class this coming spring, I’m at the same level I was when I had to take a break. If anyone has any suggestions for a good self-studying schedule as well as how to get yourself motivated with reviewing beginner content to refresh and making it interest that would be much appreciated. Thank you so much!

On a side note, I’ve used Anki, Satori Reader, and the app Kanji! and have access to textbooks.

  1. I am self-study only, and always have been. I like to go at a pace of about 1 new grammar point/verb conjugation a day, which is about a chapter per week. TokiniAndy has YouTube videos covering every chapter in Genki and Quartet and is a great way for me to better understand new concepts. I’ll watch his video first, then read the textbook points on my own and do all the related exercises and workbook pages. Good luck!

  2. Personally, I might start with an app.

    My recommendation is Duolingo (though they changed their layout and I’m not sure about it yet).

    I recommend Duo just because it’s been the most linear thing, to me, and it puts a lot of focus in sentences.

    By comparison Memrise focuses more on singular words, and sometimes it can feel like the words they want you to know are random.

    Alternatively maybe you can find a Genki or Tobira deck on memrise or Anki to review.

    Or you could re-read the textbooks if you have them available.

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