What makes you love living in Kyoto? (from a worried study abroad student)

Hi! I’m coming to Kyoto in September for a 6 month uni exchange at Ritsumeikan. I’m excited, but also terrified because I don’t speak any Japanese yet (I’m determined to get through at least genki 1 before I come, but I know that it’ll be very difficult to interact both socially and with the physical city without knowing the language). I’m someone who loves living in bustling cities with lots of subcultures, especially when it feels more ‘gritty’, but my dorm is in Northwest Kyoto, which is decently far from the CBD. I’m scared that I’ll end up in Osaka more than Kyoto, and I don’t want to go into the experience berating myself for choosing Kyoto, or assuming that I’ll be bored in the first month.

(To be honest I’m also scared that living in Japan will make me incredibly anxious about breaking rules and worrying about what others think of me, and while good in moderation, is not something I really want to take home as a souvenir — has anyone had to deal with this?)

Here’s me attempting to rationalise it: I do love nature and hiking, and the idea of living in a place where you can trace back the historical developments of a city for 1200 years with such cultural relevance is insanely cool. I do like some clubbing, but I’m also more of a sit down and chat in a hidden bar type. I love a good train ride (not scared of a long PT commute) but I think it’ll be fun to live in a bike friendly city.

This is more of me getting thoughts off my chest as well as a question — what makes you love living in Kyoto?

Side note that if anyone has any (street) dance studios, live music or bouldering recommendations please let me know!

by falfae

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