Visa application question

Hello I’ve tried to email the embassy and looked on their website I haven’t received an answer. I wanted to know what these two things meant:

On the application it says : ID NUMBER ISSUED BY GOVERNMENT. Would this be the number on my REAL STATE ID or something else?

The issuing state(passport) is what state I applied at? Like if I’m from Texas would the issuing state be Texas?

How long did it take y’all to get your visas approved and returned?

  1. Issuing authority should be United States Department of State (says on your passport ID page). As for the government id number… I also have the same question. Good luck to us both in our visa applications!

  2. As a Canadian, I put my Social Insurance Number. I dropped my application off yesterday and they didn’t mention if that was right or wrong, the just simply accepted it. I would assume that as an American, you would put your SSN.

    My visa will be ready to pick up on the 14th, exactly 7 calendar days from when I applied. Hope this helps!

  3. Whenever forms ask for issuing state (as opposed to issuing authority) I just put the state I was born in, because that field doesn’t exist on US passports. I don’t think it matters what state you applied at – I renewed my current US passport while I was living in London, at the US Embassy, but I’m guessing putting an issuing state that is in a completely different country would just raise unnecessary questions.

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