Best hidden trails around Fushimi Inari?

I visited Fushimi Inari last April and absolutely loved the main path, but found two different side trails that were also incredible.

One was the short trail going right at the base leading through the bamboo forest and eventually a street – a bit sad that they cut down some of the bamboo around the stone gate 🙁

The other was the much longer trail going right part way up the hill that goes through the larger bamboo forest (or farm?) and leads to the peak of Mt. Inari.

As I'm planning a return trip and am super excited to explore the area again, do you guys have any other recommended/favorite "hidden" trails around the hill? Are there even more? I can see a few shrines scattered around the hill on Google Maps, but am not sure if they connect to other trails?

Kind of a random question, I know, but I'm super curious and figured this would be a good place to ask!

by Bleuowl12

  1. Is the bamboo forest you speak of as food as the other Bamboo forest on the other side of Kyoto?

  2. I don’t have another suggestion, but we took the longer trail kind of by accident and it was an absolute highlight of the shrine. We didn’t see another person on the trail except a local walking his dog and by the time we reached the peak it was an absolute zoo. We’re so glad we turned right, rather than continuing up the main trail!

  3. Bamboo grows so fast and spreads so easily. Don’t be sad if they cut some down. It’ll grow back. They’re probably cutting it back just to keep it under control.

  4. I’m glad you like the the trails! I’ve done them a few times 🙂

    Most of them are interconnected but it can be hard to see even when you’re boots on ground!

    I recommend

    – Have you tried going up it at night? The shrine is open 24 hours and well lit during the evening. The path can get eerie at places but it’s still quite beautiful

    – On the north side of the complex- usually on descent – is an area with 13 cats! The lady who keeps them does cat themed merch and puts their current relationship status and achievements on display 😛 Not all of them are friendly but they are fun to watch. Make for great pictures amongst the shrines too

  5. Kyoto trail from Fushimi Inari to Kiyomizudera, and on to Keage if you’re ambitious. If you can find the trailhead on the Fushimi Inari loop, you can follow the signs (and google maps) back to Kiyomizudera. I’ve never timed it, but it seems like ~1.5 hours to Kiyomizudera maybe.

  6. I spent the entire day there wandering around during my visit. I remember that bamboo path. Further down the main path I found a small dirt path that split off and went up a hill. It was pretty narrow and easy to miss, but it eventually widened to another path. Middle of the day and completely empty. It followed downhill by a small stream. I walked past some empty houses that looked abandoned. Behind the houses were tiny little waterfalls created as the stream dropped off some steep , rocky outcroppings. One of these was blocked off. There was a tiny shrine under it, a waterspout at the top and stone pavers at the base. Looked like a place someone would go to sit under the cold water and meditate.

    This same path also went by some very old looking torii gates and shrines. So e gages were made from stone and were mossy and very weathered. Also some stone markings in some of these areas that almost resembled gravestones. Not sure if that is actually what they were though.

    Not sure if this sounds familiar to anyone else, but it was absolutely magical and almost no one around. Felt like walking through some kind of fantasy forest.

  7. I went there alone and got lost, it was afternoon but it was still a little scary, maybe if i wasn’t alone it would’ve been more fun 😔

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