Is this a slow pace? Is there any way to speed it up?

I started learning Japanese this year and have tried various methods now. I know my learning speed and it’s slow, mainly because my memory is terrible. I have to spend most of my time reviewing to remember things. I spend around hours a day doing flashcards to remember them. You might think that’s too much but I need to do it to learn and remember at a decent speed.

I got to N5 level in around 7 months. I learnt around 800 vocabulary and 120 kanji in that time. I tried to learn a lot but it takes a lot of effort for me to move information to long term memory. I’ve settled on doing some kanji+vocab flashcards, some immersion and italki genki-tobira lessons.

I calculated it’s going to be at least 2 more years for me to complete the genki textbook and tobira. Currently covering a genki chapter at the rate of 1 chapter every 2 weeks. So will finish the books around April next year. Then for Tobira we will probably move at the rate of a chapter every month or so. There’s 15 chapters so that will be like 1.5 years.

I’m going to be doing 20 kanji and 30 words a week which is managable for me. This will get me around 1000 kanji and 1500 words in a year. Genki has around 1500 words but some are english and some overlap with my other source. Tobira has around 100 words per 15 chapters so that’s 1500 that I assume don’t overlapp with genki. That’s 3000 -4200 ish words that i’ll know at the end, not including the words from immersing or the 2nd year of doing vocabulary flashcards with kanji.

So it will take me like 2+ years from now, around 3 in total for me to be n3 if Tobira gets you to n3 level. I will also probably have covered the joyo kanji by then. And that is me doing like 5 hours of studying a day :/

1 comment
  1. Hours of flashcards a day for 30 words a week sounds pretty rough. Have you tried making mnemonics (making your own is much more effective than reading somebody else’s). Is that with anki or just paper cards?

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