Want to do 1 year in Japanese language school, but reconsidering

Hello everyone! I am 25, graduated last year from university (bachelor’s degree) in foreign languages (japanese) and economics. I live in Europe and my degree includes both, we don’t have the major and minor degrees system. My girlfriend, who I met during university, did the exact same.
After graduating, we planned to search for a job, save up for 1 year, go for 1 year to a language school in Japan, then come back to our country for the master degree. I think it would make my Japanese skyrocket since I already have a very solid knowledge of it, it would be a super fun experience that I would remember fondly forever. It would also be helpful in finding a job where knowledge of japanese is actually required.

So, right now we are in the “saving up” part of the process. I found a part time job that pays decent money, and leaves me plenty of free time. Now we both have enough money to go live in Japan for 1 year, also considering that our parents are giving us approximately 800€ every month, and will continue to do so while we are in Japan. So we will be able to live pretty comfortably there, especially if we find a part time job. Now, the problem is that I want to get a master degree in economics when I come back, in the same city where we are living right now. The part time job I have right now would allow me to easily work and study. I’m not sure I will be able to find something like that when I come back, my country’s job market is shit and I found a job that not only pays fairly, but also have very flexible hours. My boss and coworkers are also super nice and would have no issue in arranging my work schedule with my university lessons. Also, I don’t want for my parents to support me economically up until my 30s. They told me they will continue to support me financially for all the time I need, but I can’t help but think that if I don’t go to Japan, I will easily be independent economically, and approach my 30s with a lot more money saved up.

Now, I’m really considering not going to Japan, keeping my job and enrolling for the master degree. My girlfriend is going regardless, living 1 years in Japan has been her dream since a decade ago. Also she doesn’t want to live there, just want to do 1 year, so being long distance for 1 year won’t be a problem if we don’t want it to be.

It’s a tricky situation, and I have to make the decision fast. What do you think you would do? Thank you!

by calooo___

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