Insurance question (県民共済)

I hope you guys can help me a bit.

I and my wife are currently considering what insurance to choose as a "permanent" option, so I'm researching as much as I can. We are in our 30s, I'm working in an overseas company while she's a dependent. We live in Kanagawa and will likely continue living in Kanto going forward.

So, after some research, first thing I concluded is that we definitely don't want the "whole life insurance" thing where they roll insurance and investment into one package. I'm contributing to NISA myself and financially literate so to say.

Next, after reviewing other options it seems that 県民共済 is a reasonable choice unless I'm missing something. But this is what we are currently considering.

One thing that seems slightly suspicious is that their consultant quite strongly advised to enroll into several packages at once:

  • 活き生き三大疾病特約 (1100円/月)
  • 生命特約 (1000円/月)
  • 女性医療特約 (900円/月)
  • 活き生き(1500円/月)
  • 活き生き入院特約 (1000円/月)

Those plans cover slightly different things, but still. Plus it will add 5000円 a month in expenses that isn't that bad in a month, but will add up quite a bit over decades to follow.

So, just want to hear a second opinion before we pull the trigger. Again, if it was a one time thing I wouldn't think twice, but since we are considering which insurance to choose basically for the rest of our time I think it is a good idea to be careful 🙂

by Lurlerrr

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