New Religion – signed up as a member by someone else.

Religion: Shinnyo-en 真如苑


Basically my ex was part of this religion. He wasn’t a devoted follower and only went on special occasions. I didn’t actually find out about it until a few months into our marriage when his family asked if I was going to go visit the temple to which he explained his whole family are part of this new religion. His mum and grandma in particular, were fairly intense and high ranking.

I had no idea about this religion previously and he took me along on a day without any service so we just had food and walked around. Seemed pretty normal.

Anyway by the third visit, he brought his family (MIL, SIL and grandmother) and we went to a service with all the chanting etc and this is where I wasn’t feeling it.

I said I wasn’t interested in joining and it was dropped. End of story, we didn’t go again.

Now this issue is: after our daughter was born, his mum randomly called asking for my date of birth. He told her and I asked about it later that night.

He said she had registered our daughter and I as members of the religion under our own family tree. I think his mum paid the yearly fee or a donation or whatever too.

Honestly I was really annoyed and taken back that she would register us without my consent or approval but I was already fairly sure on leaving my husband at this point. I also didn’t have a good relationship with his mother so I didn’t say anything. I was registered probably nearly 3 years ago.

It’s been a while now, we are officially divorced and have been for while. Recently I drove past a temple of this religion and I was curious what happens when someone is registered.

I haven’t gone or paid anything, would I still be on record as a follower? Can I remove myself? What are the implications and is there any action I should take?

I really don’t want either myself or daughter having any afflictions with this new religion.

I don’t talk to my ex and he has cut contact with our child. I also don’t talk to his family at all.

Ex-MIL registered me at her weird new religion as a member without my consent. What should I do?

by howcanihelp13

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