JPPX – The web app I’m building to help me memorize kanji

Hi guys,

I’m pleased to share with you the little side project I’m working on. For now it’s called JPPX. It’s a little web app for desktop (not optimized for mobile) to help me memorize kanji’s readings.

It’s a (kinda) game where some Japanese words appears on the screen moving from the rightmost side to the left and you have to type them exactly as they are written (and press enter) before they disappear. You have to type in Japanese, so if you do not have the Japanese language support installed in your operational system, please make sure to do so before testing. The app register the words you failed and them show to you at the end.

You can try it out in this link: [](

Or you can watch a demo here: [](

Even though it’s far from done, I would be very happy if you would be so kind as to try it out and provide some feedback, about what you would like to see and use in an app like this. My plans for JPPX for now are:

* Add more words and more categories
* Develop the game mode where instead of the exact Japanese word, you can type an English translation of the word.
* Library with resources for each word, like videos of people using them, articles, etc. For example this resource right here for the word 出す: [](

Thank you in advance!

  1. looks amazing! though a very silly suggestion but maybe the text color could be different than the bg image color, but its fun! good luck with it

  2. Nice, pretty inspiring since I’m learning web dev atm too and I could imagine tying my first project to my Japanese studies like this!

    One problem I ran into, after I finished the game there was no way to return to home visible so I had to refresh the page.

  3. The concept sounds cool. Doesn’t render in a usable way for me on my phone.

    iPhone 13 Pro Max, Safari

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