Busyness in late October, and would we have to pre-book flights and lodging?

Just a quick question for anyone who's been to Okinawa, especially during the months of October and November. We're planning on going this year and spending most of our time on the smaller islands outside of Naha and Okinawa Island. I'm especially stoked for the Yaeyama Islands and Iriomote, and Kerama National Park.

Normally we travel by casual backpacking, and we don't pre-book any hotels or transportation. We just arrive and then wing it and travel at our own pace, showing up at hotels that look cute and asking if they have any room, and booking flights the night before if we need to (or taking busses everywhere we go). In every other country we've visited (Indonesia, Tanzania, Malawi, Cuba, Haiti, Peru, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar) this has worked perfectly fine and we haven't wound up somewhere where everything is booked. Only once have we ever gotten stuck somewhere without being able to get a flight out for a few days (in Manokwari in West Papua over Christmas, whoops!).

Does anybody know how we'll fare in Okinawa's smaller islands? I don't want us to get stranded and unable to get a last minute flight, or stuck not being able to stay at Zamami Island or something like that. But I don't know how busy and pre-booked it gets in Okinawa once you get outside of Naha.

by SamsonTheCat88

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