My sole purpose of learning Japanese is only to watch anime in Japanese . Because I don’t like dubs. I don’t feel like the same person is talking , voice doesn’t match the characters. Mostly .
If there’s a sub version and also a dub version , I would honestly prefer sub, because I love the way how Japanese sounds.
I haven’t yet started learning Japanese , but I want to. I’d like to start with giving 1 hour every day .
Anyone want to share their experiences , who can now watch anime in Japanese ? ( Don’t need to understand it fully even if partially it’s okay). How was your journey ? How long did it take to reach there?
Anime was my impetus for starting but now I hardly watch it. I usually just read books/vns. I found the difference in enjoyment between translated books and original language books is a lot bigger than the difference in enjoyment between translated anime and original anime.
Listening skill is a lot easier than speaking skill, so if your only goal is to understand anime that’s a plus. I’ve met some people who, even if they can’t speak, can follow along conversations pretty well.
For me, it’s been a little over two years since I started. I can understand probably on average about two thirds of a show I watch depending on the content of the show (as in if it’s a show about day to day stuff or a show about something more specific).
Another but of good news is that the more you watch, the better your listening will get, so it’s also a great excuse to watch more 😉
(But also do remember to study properly though)
Can’t give help on it, but my big reason for learning was to be able to read manga in Japanese.
There used to be/is still kind of a stigma against anime for learning in the Japanese learning communitity. They can all fuck off. Do what you do to enjoy learning the language.
Playing Japanese vns (recently playing AI somnium), has been EASY MODE for studying. A lot of hard words, difficult topics, etc, but the story is good enough for me to not mind the difficulty. Also the advantage vns have over reading a book, is that the sentences get blocked off into their own dialogue box. Less likely to get too overwhelmed.
Good luck, study a lot, and have fun!
Only thing I will say, I’ve been studying for like 2 and a hald years. I don’t think I was really ready to watch anime with jp subtitles until like a year ago. Even then it was still difficult.