I have a few events coming up over summer vacation and I have already started making flyers.
Before I finalize all of the flyers I'm making, I'm curious if anyone in the English teaching community has general advice for making effective flyers for a Japanese audience. I'm working on multiple flyers now, some for paid classes, others for free events.
Any general advice is welcomed. The vast majority of the flyers will be in Japanese, and most English words are supplemented with a Japanese subtext. I also have some specific questions.
I'm currently using UD Digi Kyokasho N-B. I'm wondering if there is a better font out there, or other useful fonts (such as fun fonts for titles or subtext in Japanese).
I want to generate a nice scalable vector calendar that starts from the middle of July and into August. I ended up making on one my own, but it's not perfect. I'm looking for an alternative, but ideally something that can be easily manipulated (like a generated SVG file, something I can tidy up in Inkscape).
Last, I've noticed a lot of flyers pack in a lot of text in extremely small areas. One of my flyers is very dense with lots of information. I opted to make a front and back (front has only the important information, the back has all of the specific information) but I'm not confident on the overall format of the flyer. I'm looking for some great examples of information rich flyers that might already be out there.
I'm using Krita and Inkscape overall. Most of the flyers will be in color.
by T1DinJP