Weekly Praise Thread – 09 September 2022

It’s that time of the week again. Please boast and share about the good things that have happened to you this past week!

  1. I’m not really sure why there is a 牛タン vending machine right next to my house but yesterday my jet lagged ass was glad it was there. Some of that on rice with a fresh red jalapeño I picked from one of my plants got me through the day.

  2. First time I applied for a ps5 lottery since coming here. Applied at Big Camera and Yamada Denki and immediately won at Yamada Denki so that was nice

  3. It’s finally gotten colder, I can enjoy walks with my baby. I got so many new friends recently. Looks like it’s really easy to make friends when you have a baby 🙂 also, I’m awake already, so I won’t be late for work.

  4. Only half a day of work and then my summer holiday starts. Now to think of where to go or what to do.

  5. Japanese subs for Godfather on Amazon are actually pretty great. Maybe it’s because gangster movies are also a popular genre in Japan so translators have a rich treasure trove of material to draw from, but I felt like there was basically no nuance left untranslated (can’t speak for the Italian segments though).

    Guy at Akabanebashi station who pulled up his mask BEFORE sneezing. You keep doing you my friend (maybe next time try wearing your mask the whole time you’re in an indoor station though).

    Been having some insane gacha game luck these past few weeks. Gonna be riding this high for a long while (also because I don’t have any more gacha rolls from it so I kinda of have to hahaha)

  6. I was standing in line for Matsuya’s ticket machine and a Japanese guy was nervously turning around from time to time. Soon he gives up, offers me to go ahead and make my order. I let him know that he can take his time, so he confesses he wants a lot of meat, but doesn’t know how to use the machine. I was like so do you want a big size or maybe extra large and the hungry guy wants to go for the extra large. It takes a little bit of time for me to figure out where to press since this version of machine is different from what I’m used to and at the first glance it looks like bigger portions are nowhere to be found. So we succeed, I remind him to pick up the ticket and he’s obviously very happy to finally being able to eat and even nods to me after we both sit down in different parts of the restaurant.

    It’s a simple story, but it made me feel good that a person didn’t hesitate to ask a random foreigner for help and we found a solution.

    Oh, and I also won the ticketing lottery for 2 concerts. It was my first time using that particular website (and will be first time going to Tokyo Dome) and it took quite an extensive research to find service which offered some other means to pay for someone who has no credit or proper debit card (hello to Japan Post bank and their cash card with debit function).

  7. Went to an art supply store and got oil painting supplies! It wasn’t too expensive, either, totaled about 7500 yen. Can’t wait to get back to oil painting.

    Worked on clearing weeds at my club’s peanut field and we’re making good progress! The weather killed the weeds a bit and they’ve been easier to pluck.

    Had a nice productive art day yesterday! Practiced guitar and sketched out a new painting.

    My parents. I love them. Video called them a lot this week and talked a whole lot. I’m really grateful they’re such wonderful people and we managed to work past our problems in the past.

    Pierce The Veil’s new song is great. Getting really into metal in general and it’s great, I’m loving it.

  8. Got complimented a lot at work this week. Feels nice, my imposter syndrome usually makes me wonder when they’ll figure out that I’m not an asset and stop paying me so much for so little work. But apparently I’m doing something right?

    Meeting with a friend today and we’ll plan our trip to USJ in October! I met her at an otaku event last summer, just standing in line, and she’s my first Japanese friend who consistently contacts me and proposes things to do together. ❤️ Thank you, smutty doujin artist, for creating a 2 hr line so I could meet her.

    I’m part of a small streamer’s online community and since there’s real life event coming up next week I decided to, after 7 months, let them in on the fact that I’m actually not Japanese. Apart from lots of compliments on how pretty I am (their eyes are clearly broken) nothing has changed and I love it so much.

    To be honest, I’ll absolutely reap the benefits of being a white female in this country, but I’m at the same time glad that I’ve finally found places and people outside of work where it *does not matter* and I’m just treated like everyone else.

  9. Finally found organic milk at ボンラパス(Bon Repas). They even carry 2 brands and I enjoyed both. Last night they were sold out so that was a bummer.

    I’m surprised that high end stores like Mitsukoshi (granted, their depachika grocery probably isn’t run by Mitsukoshi itself) don’t carry them.

  10. Planning a surprise 4-5 day trip for my gf to Okinawa during the winter vacation which I am excited about.

    If anyone has any recommendations I would greatly appreciate them!

    Planning to rent a car (first time doing this in Japan, anyone know a good company? Just grab one from the airport?) and drive around to Churaumi and then do a nice coastal drive back and hit up the new Pokemon Center on the first day. Zamami Island for day 2 but I am worried about the dates for the whale watching tours because I feel it might be a bit early for me (Dec 26ish) and then check out Naha on day 3.

    I heard American Town might be a tad overrated so may give that a miss.

  11. Splatoon 3 today! Played a bit before work and I still got it.

    Also covid cases are going down on a whole so I’m happy about that, too!

  12. It’s been almost 2 months straight of various festivals, events, and adventures this summer, to the point I’m gonna be pretty content sitting around in the countryside once it’s all done. This weekend is no slouch as well, with a major firework event happening in East Hokkaido for the first time in a few years.

    On top of that, kicking off a huge silver week adventure across Tokyo + Kansai on Thursday, so setting up plans with friends/scoping out good food and bars as well has been a ton of fun (big ups to the Kansai Mexican food thread going on right now, been spamming my google maps with bookmarks.)

  13. It’s Friday.

    My son is happy because this weekend we’ll cook marshmallows.

    Yesterday’s episode of She-Hulk was fun.

    Tonight I’ll have a Taiwanese beer that a co-worker gave to me.

    A dude has explained a story about his reckless driving on r/japanlife [(unfortunately already removed)](https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/comments/x9gd7x/am_i_in_trouble_with_the_police/), which has reminded me that there are stupid people in the world and that I’m lucky to be surrounded by people with more or less common sense.

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