BOSJ Finals set

The finals of the BOSJ 31 will be El Desperado vs Taiji Ishimori!

Surprised Ishimori won but I feel like a better story is told with TJP not winning the whole thing so fair enough.
DOUKI really had me believing he was gonna go through, feels like he's one final performance away from breaking out into the upper tier of the junior division.

I know everyone agrees Despy should win this year but I'm now worried Ishimori is gonna sneak a win in the end – commentary pointed out Ishimori has only been in one final before and he is one of the most iconic juniors of his generation so I'm wondering if they're giving him his flowers this year.

Either way, actually kinda interested in this final. It's gonna be a fun one and both men do kinda deserve it; Despy for stepping up majorly and Ishimori for being consistently game since joining NJPW. Whoever wins, I think we'll win.


by BenTheHopeless

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