Living and working in the countryside

Delete if this isn’t allowed, but I’m living in the countryside right now and basically my job is to promote the city. I’m using Facebook to promote the place and I’ve found it hard to come up with ideas on what to post or how to even grow the page. It is a relatively famous place among Japanese people but I feel it’s overlooked by foreigners. I thought maybe some people here would be able to tell me things they want to see most or learn about when looking at a city like mine. For reference I’m living in Sawara, Katori, in Chiba, close to Narita airport.
I would link the page but I think that goes against the rules so I’ll just end it here.

  1. I love Sawara, in fact I recommended it recently to a redditor looking for stuff to do in Chiba. The problem is, there’s not that much to actually do there if it’s not Matsuri day. It’s really only good for a few hours, and with it being so far away, it’s a hard sell. Still, the scenery is picturesque and Mougins is a great restaurant. If I were you, I’d focus on the photo-taking opportunities: willows along the river, Ino Tadataka’s house, etc., and proximity to other cities or ideas for a day trip circuit.

    Edit: what would really help would be ways for visitors to tour or experience traditional Japanese handicrafts. Sawara has a lot of shops selling wooden utensils, etc., but lots of tourists want something more interactive.

  2. So you’re basically asking to do your job for you? Slide me some of that salary, and I’ll be happy to help.

  3. I have had a Facebook account since it became open to non-school accounts, and I have never used it to research possible holiday or outing destinations.

    These days, I only know Japanese young people, but they all use Instagram; TikTok is popular as well. Twitter, maybe, is more popular in Japan than elsewhere, also.

  4. I went there for the Matsuri and I loved Sawara! Maybe focus on the food, for example the famous local stores and the specialty?

  5. Go to a local real estate agency and tell them who you are. Ask them to take you around to see the properties that foreign residents might be interested in. Take photos, post them online with a write up of the local cost of living, rent comparisons and grocery prices, etc. There are many people with remote jobs looking for a cheap second house in a place like Sawara.

  6. First off I’m a Digital Marketer professionally. I wouldn’t rely on just Facebook for organic traffic. It might work if you are also using targeted ads.
    I would suggest trying to spend the time on

    * Add the content to Japan related sites
    * Work on organic optimization of the homepage if it’s not ranking for some generic Japan travel terms (based on what to do in the city)
    * Make YouTube video content for the city
    * Ask them to make local promos & get backlinks from local businesses that the site promotes.


    I haven’t seen the site but just a few ideas

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