What does とむ mean in this context?

So, I've been working my way through a Japanese story that's a bit above my level, using an app to drill vocabulary and sentence structure from this story, after translating them with Google translate and ChatGPT. Anyway, I'm getting confusing results for this sentence:


Specifically, I can't figure out what むと means in this sentence. And Google and ChatGPT seem to be confused about whether the rain is starting or ending. From context it's clear to me that it's ending, since the last several paragraphs have been about a torrential downpour and the problems it's causing, but I don't know if the machine translators are just being dumb machines or if this sentence would genuinely be ambiguous without context. And the only word I don't understand in this sentence is とむ, so I feel like it's probably the key to my questions.

by Snoo-88741

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