Filler words for correcting yourself?

What are some words/sentences you can use to correct yourself while talking? Like ‘Yesterday I gone to- wait, no- i went to the store’ etc.

Informal I’d imagine something like いいえ is good enough, but I’d like some formal options since I’ll mostly be using it in convo class while answering my teacher.

  1. I’ve heard 違う being used in this context which I supppse could conjugate to 違いました in formal speech, but I’ve never heard the latter being used so far. Take that with a grain of salt though, my learning journey hasn’t been all that long

  2. いいえ is for disagreement, so inserting that mid sentence as a stumble would be strange.

    I’m trying to think about how what you are trying to say sounds like in Japanese without sounding like you are talking to yourself, and I’m coming up a bit short. Stumbles like あっ and いやっ are fine if your speed is ok, but taking a breath and just starting over would be perfectly acceptable as well. People are generally very patient with learners. If you say something really awkward or embarrassing, a good ol’ 失礼しました will clear the air.

  3. This link is for Japanese people learning English phrases for the same thing you’re asking, so you can check the English and then see the corresponding Japanese:

    I personally almost always use あ、間違えた! because when I make a mistake, more often than not it’s more of an involuntary exclamation and not directed at the listener, but there are options in that list if you specifically want to say to the listener that you made a mistake.

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