GTN fucked me over and put the wrong name on my billing info for hydro/gas. How screwed am I?

Long story short, I’m moving cities, and I just signed a contract with GTN for a house. On the contract and all proper communications with the company, my correct name is listed in both English and katakana.

Then, as they’re helping me set up utilities, I notice that the confirmation email I get to addressed to “Kate” — this is not my name, however my name is somewhat similar (Kira).

I ask them to change it, and they essentially refuse, telling me that the wrong name on the bill “isn’t an issue and I pay it through the convenience store, not the bank”.

I told them I still feel uncomfortable with the name not matching my zairyu card and being blatantly wrong, but all they do is tell me that they’ve “tried to call the utility company, and they didn’t pick up the phone”.

How screwed am I? Should I push further and demand they change it?

by Whatswrongwithmejeez

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