Japanese slang of the day: 朝ラー

朝ラー (asa ra): the act of having ramen in the morning.

Typically, Japanese people do not eat ramen in the morning. It’s more of a lunch or dinner food. But when the feeling hits, you go for a 朝ラー. Word is often used by clubbers, ramen enthusiasts and fatsos.

Example: 昨日、オールしたから最後は朝ラーで締めたわ

  1. 朝ラー is also becoming more common bc of the COVID restrictions in japan. Many ramen shops were forced to close before 8pm, but there were no restrictions regarding opening early in the morning.

  2. > often used by […] fatsos

    Damn, really hittin me like that

    Jokes aside, the description made it sound like having ramen for (one’s standard) breakfast, whereas the example sentence makes it sound more like the person had ramen so late into the night that it was basically morning already. Does it appropriately refer to both situations?

  3. I don’t understand the use of 締めたわ here. Also, why is it さいご? Because it’s a way to end the all-nighter?

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