Moving Advice & Weave Living – Tokyo & Japan

Hi all,

So I'm currently at the end of my third trip to Japan. It's always been a dream of mine to move somewhere for a few years (potentially longer) before I decide to settle down (32M, Australian) and I just always seem to come back to Japan and Asia whenever I go travelling. The people, the culture and the food definitely have my heart.

I have a very good job in my home city which I've had to work very hard for and I'm finally getting to a point where I'm saving some decent cash for a house deposit or something similar. I love my job, but something in me just keeps wanting to branch out and get out of my comfort zone to see what happens, ive had this desire for a while now and it doesn't seem to be going away.

Through some late night doom scrolling I came across an Instagram page advertising 'weave living' which offers longer term stays (up to 9 months+) for what seems to be a decent rate. Also, coming from Australia I'm use to the price of higher cost of living and rent, and what they're advertising (average – 200,000Â¥ a month) looks better than trying to arrange an Airbnb or hotel for a longer stay.

My initial thoughts would be to see if I could stay for 2-3 months to get a bit more exposure to the language and Japan living, while doing some remote work for my company with the aim of potentially setting up some interviews and scoping out some more work while I was here. My background is in biological (environmental) sciences, so the logical step would be english teacher it seems? Enviro jobs are hard enough to get in Australia, let alone in another country with language barriers.

My queries are:
– has anyone used weave before?
– are there places around Tokyo that offer shared workspaces (I have no issues living in a small apartment, I actually probably prefer it, but would need somewhere to set up a monitor, laptop and notebooks etc).
– are there reputable part time language courses offered that I could improve my Japanese while I'm working/living?

I'm sure I have more queries but any help with the above would be appreciated. Cheers.

by Poppinfresh99

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