What are your favorite Japanese hobby websites (cooking, games, pottery, biking etc.)?

I've seen other threads about best websites for those living in Japan. However, I'm curious about Japanese websites people use to explore their hobbies or interests that I may not know about. I'd like to integrate Japanese more into my daily life and I want to spend less time on Reddit.

Some of my interests include cooking, baking, running/biking, reading both nonfiction about health and history and sci-fi/fantasy fiction, climate and the environment etc. however, please suggest whatever sites you find interesting. たぶん新しいことを学びます。

by investoroma

  1. this isn’t exactly what you asked for but as an easy entry point (if you don’t already do this), if you’re on Instagram I’d def recommend following Japanese-language accounts related to your interests! For me that includes stuff like punk bands, certain video games, pro wrestlers/wrestling promotions, manufacturers of goofy gacha toys, owls, Japanese language-learning accounts, etc. they’re fun to have on your feed for low-key practice for sure.

    Here’s a few insta accounts I’d recommend if they speak to you:
    – @ osento.jp – digital magazine that highlights Tokyo’s unique public baths (with gorgeous photos too!)
    – @ themetroclassic – funny guy who does skits about Japanese etymology/mythology/idioms in English
    – @ aranziaronzo_inc – designers of cute and funny character merch
    – @ hiji.mozu_owl – cute owl

  2. I highly recommend getting a kindle unlimited subscription with Amazon Japan if you are into cooking. There are tons of cookbooks in KU. I have also seen KU books on health and food science. Also, there are always a few of 恒川光太郎’s works (mostly urban fantasy) in rotation in KU as well. You probably would be able to find magazines of your hobbies in KU as well.

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