Now that we’ve had ample opportunities to see each competitor in BOSJ… who had the best/worst theme music?

Worst : Ninja Mack

Best : Tie between Drilla / Dragon Dia

by Templar-235

  1. Top four:
    1. Robbie Eagles
    2. TJP
    3. Clark Connors
    4. Dragon Dia

    Worst by far is Ninja Mack’s, yeah. Blake Christian’s is also kinda boring.

  2. Drilla’s theme goes hard ASF, so that’s #1 for me.

    I’ve also been randomly singing, 🎶D*ragon Dia🎶* for the last couple days, so that’s stuck in my head.

    Yeah, worst theme is probably Ninja Mack, but he’s been awesome to watch tho.

  3. Drilla Moloney and TJP are tied best

    Ninja Mack is the worst without question

  4. Hayata’s music was great. I honestly kinda liked Ninja Mack’s music. Worst for me was probably Christian’s because I can’t even remember what it sounds like

  5. Clark, TJP, and Dia are the best imo. Since getting into DragonGate a month or so ago, I’ve been listening to their themes all the time. Most of their themes are excellent.

    Worst is Ninja Mack. It barely qualifies as music; it’s something you’d get after messing around in Mario Paint for an hour. Christian’s sucks too for the two times I heard it before skipping the rest of his matches.

  6. Best: HAYATA, Fujita, Akira, Moloney,

    Not in the worst category, but least favorite is BUSHI, Titan, Christian, and Knight.

  7. Really hard to beat SHO in terms of best music, but I’ve kinda been digging Clark Connors’ song, maybe that’s just me being excited he’s wrestling though.

  8. Clark Connors has probably my favorite NJPW theme of the past five years but I also have to give Kevin Knight a shout-out for the Sheik Bashir homage in his theme.

  9. I hate Kushida’s music in particular, because sometime around the first time I started hearing it regularly, I started having bedtime anxiety attacks where his music would just play over and over and over again on a loop in my head while I felt like the universe was trying to eat my soul. It’s pretty cursed for me, now.

  10. TJP has found his theme with this one. I like it a lot. Dragon Dia is not my taste but the kind of music I expect from japanese wrestling more. I also think the gun shot of Ishimoris entrance is badass.

  11. Hard to decide between Drilla, Dia and TJP for me for best.

    Ninja Mack is easily the worst and no one comes close, but only because YOH isn’t in the tournament.

  12. Good themes: Despy, Kevin Knight, Clark Connors, TJP, BUSHI, Ishimori, Hiromu, Robbie, SHO, Drilla, KUSHIDA

    Best is probably Clark or Drilla, worst is Ninja Mack

    The rest range from forgettable to annoying

  13. Best: Toss up between *Dragon Dia* 🎶 (I can’t even say his name anymore without singing it) and Drilla Moloney

    Worst: Blake Christian and Kosei Fujita
    -One is forgettable, the other sounds like a lame placeholder theme tbh

  14. My top 3 fav are 1. TJP 2. Dragon Dia 3. Drilla and Ninja Mack as worst is fine

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