Why are young Japanese people rejecting marriage?

Why are young Japanese people rejecting marriage?


  1. By the time of 30 years old, roughly 55% of Japanese are married which is relatively high compared with western countries. Median(not average) age of first marriage is 26 yo for women an 27 years old for men.

    Also 60% of 15yo+ population are married in Japan, which is also relatively high compared with western countries.In UK it is 51% and in the US it is 48%

    Japan’s marriage rates is relatively high, it is births out
    of marriage that is extremely low, in Japan it is less than 3% vs 30%+ in many western countries. People would not have kids when they are not married is the reason relatively low fertility rates despite relatively high marriage rates.
    This apply all east asian countries, China Korea Taiwan Hohgkong all have extremely low numbers of births outside of marriage

  2. >At 37, Sho says he is content. He has a job that pays enough for him to get by comfortably, he has friends whom he sees regularly, a range of hobbies and the time to enjoy them.

    Huh, this new series jumps out into wildly fantastic scenarios way too fast for me to keep up.

  3. Marriage is overrated and kids are a waste of time, money, energy and resources

  4. Seriously speaking who tf with a sound mind want to marry get pregnant and have kids in this world with long hours low wages and grim future?

  5. Dude when the **fuck** do they have time to even date, yet alone enter a legally binding contract?

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