Looking for Americans in Tokyo

  1. Here's a friendly encouragement to register to vote in the upcoming American elections. You can register here: https://www.votefromabroad.org/
  2. We're looking to help Americans in Tokyo register to vote, assist others exercise their Constitutional right to vote, and possibly organize chill events on the ground. 

We're Democrats Abroad Japan, a volunteer organization that helps Americans exercise their voting rights and advocates for Americans overseas (including tax reform). If you want to know about events in your area and receive a yearly reminder to renew your voting registration, you can become a member of Democrats Abroad. These events are open to everyone, including non-Americans, and are great for networking and making friends. Note: due to federal laws, only Americans can become official members of DA.

There are also volunteer positions available, ranging from helping people troubleshoot their ballot request, to sharing a link to register to vote. You can also organize local events at your capacity, such as a 4th of July picnic with cold beers. Volunteering looks good on a resume, and helps make the world a better place. DM me for me info or fill out the form here

Note: This post is not intended to be partisan. We believe strongly in democracy and support everyone to exercise their right to vote. 

The post is locked, but you can send me a DM if you have any questions!

by DemocratsAbroadJapan

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