Moving to another country at a young age

Moving to another country at a young age

Hi everyone!

I've been thinking about moving to another country at 18. Here's a little background about me: I've already graduated from college in Europe, and I work in a field that allows me to work remotely. I'm also open to working for a company in the country I move to. This gives me the security of a stable income, so I have fewer worries about making the move.

I've been traveling every other month for a while, and I always feel great going away on my own. I particularly enjoy visiting Asian countries, where many things are just different. I understand that living in another country won't always be fun and that some aspects of life may be better back home. However, moving away is something I really want to try, and I feel a strong connection to the city I want to move to.

I'm scared about making such a big decision and worried about regretting not moving. Maybe I won't like it and will move back after a while, but I feel like I should just try it out while I'm young.

I'd love to hear about anyone's experience moving to another country or any tips and tricks you might have! Anything would be nice to read!

by Ok-Window-2351

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