Traveling to Japan in December on a self-guided Tour

Hey Everyone – I’m lucky enough to find an awesome travel agency and fortunate enough to return to Japan at the end of December under the new visa rules.

I’ve been to Japan several times and am looking to avoid the golden route. I’m into hiking, biking, and pretty much any outdoor activity. I’m very adventurous so I don’t mind activities off the beaten path. I just know after this trip I won’t be returning to Tohoku area for a while (if ever).

The travel agency has come up with an *amazing* itinerary in northern Japan. I just want to run it past this group in case anyone has any creative ideas for me to adjust this trip.

Any adjustments would be made with the travel agency to abide by the new visa requirements.

Land in Tokyo: stay here for 1 additional day in Asakusa. I know this is pretty standard but I’m curious if anyone has any advice for a quick day trip or something new that I should consider. I’ve been to many of the major attractions and neighborhoods. If I do a day trip, I’m hoping for something easy and quick as the rest of the trip is more involved. (I’m strongly considering asking the travel agency to only have one day in Tokyo as I deal with jet lag well)

Day 3 and 4: Nikko and Lake Chuzenji (sleep at Sendai)

Day 5: day trip from Sendai to Yamadera

Day 6: day trip from Sendai to Matsushima Bay

Day 7: Nyuto onsen.

Day 8: Hiraizumi

Days 9 and 10: Return to Tokyo and fly home.

One option is to replace Matsushima for Ginzan although I think this would be a mistake as I think I’ll go to ginzan another day and nyuto is an onsen village. Generally I’m looking to see if I should (1) replace an area for another (2) any particular outdoor activities I should consider in these areas or in any others that are in the vicinity (3) any quick day trips from Tokyo or things to see in Tokyo that aren’t commonly known of.

Thanks in advance!

  1. Hey! I’m sorry I don’t have an answer to your question, I’ve never been to Japan but have been trying to go since March 2020 lol. I was wondering who was the travel agency you booked with?

  2. I’ve not been to Ginzan onsen an think it look pretty, but I must say that Matsushima is pretty nice too. You can check to take a cruise from Shiogama.

    Also, doing Yamadera, Hiraizumi and Matsushima you can complete the [tohoku 4 temple pilgrimage](

    It could make more sense to choose between Nyuto and Ginzan. Also, if you want to do more onsen, you can totally do one around lake Chuzenji, I would probably check to go there the first day, sleep and do Nikko next.

    For less common daytrips from Tokyo, Kawagoe and Chichibu are less frequent options. Coud go for a hike in Oyama in Isehara. Inside of Tokyo, for sure there is many neighborhoods that are not as frequently visited, like Sugamo.


    In general it’s a quick overview of Tohoku, you could spend weeks in Tohoku (someone posted ideas for a 3 week trip and they had much more than 3 weeks worth of idea).

  3. Hi do you happen to have a full step-by-step on how you were able to get the VISA/set up with travel agency?

  4. Sounds amazing! I’ve been really hard to try and find something similar to this.. would you mind sharing the agency and cost with me? You can DM as well it would be greatly appreciated!

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