Two Weeks in Tokyo and Kyoto

Going solo for the second time in September and I'd appreciate any thoughts about my itinerary.

I didn't have plans my first time and kind of wasted the trip because I had bad anxiety at the time. Hoping a bit of structure will help me this time, but I'm worried about some days in Kyoto where I might be planning to do too much, especially if it's scorching hot. I also have a lot of specific shops and restaurants I'm planning on visiting so if there's odd gaps, I'll probably be shopping or eating.

Day 0: (arrive in Tokyo).

  • Figure out my E-Sim, buy some Family Mart socks, and take the Keisei Sky Access
  • Get to Asakusa around 5:30pm
    • Check-in and drop stuff off
  • Senso-ji
  • Get back to hostel around 8:30-9

Day 1: (Nakameguro/Daikanyama—Shibuya)

  • Meiji Jingu (finish around 11)

Train to Nakameguro

  • Kyu Asakura house
  • T-Site

Back to Asakusa

  • Grab a beer with my friend

Day 2: (Kamakura or Museum day?)

Rethinking this day. Thinking I'll save it for a future trip with my partner

Convenience store breakfast

  • Hokokuji temple
  • Komachi-dori street
  • Hongakuji
  • Stay later for the seaside in the evening

(Museum day option)

Rethinking this day. Might be better to spend it in Tokyo proper just to actually take it easy.

  • Spend the morning in Kuramae

Train to Roppongi

Museum afternoon

  • Mori Art museum
  • Nezu museum
  • Omotesando to buy the things you scoped out and decided on from day 1
  • Don Quijote for random gifts

Day 3: (Imperial Palace—Ginza)

  • Normal routine
  • Back to Senso-ji

Morning in Imperial Palace/Ginza

  • Imperial Palace (arrive at 10:30)
    • Apparently not much to do here. Check out the gardens though

Walk to Tokyo station

  • Figure out where shinkansen is and buy ticket for the next morning
  • Walk around the station shops.

Vibe at Asakusa.

  • Spare some time to pack
  • Omakase

Day 4: (Half day in Osaka)

Wake up call at 6:00 (90% chance I sleep in) and take early train to Osaka around 7:30

Arrive Osaka around 10:00

  • Drop off luggage at coin storage
  • Find coffee
  • Convenience store lunch

Train to Osaka Castle (leave at 1:45)

  • Probably skip Dotonburi
  • Shopping and lunch in the area and visiting a few shrines/temples

Train back to Shin-Osaka and grab luggage

  • Train back to Kyoto around 5:30-6:30 and check-in to hotel
  • First wine bar stop after my friend arrives with his group

Day 5: Weird

Leave hotel (one night because I messed up the dates I'd be in Kyoto) at 9:00am

  • 17 minute walk to new hotel
  • Drop off luggage at hotel temporary storage

Bus to Nijo castle

  • Castle and then the regular shopping/cafe visits

Bus/walk to omakase

Get back to hotel around 3:00 and check-in

  • Kodo Gyogan-ji temple

Dinner and wine bar

Day 6: Idk

Morning in nearby temples

  • Sanjūsangendō Temple (goshuin)
  • Toyokuni-jinja Shrine (Goshuin)
  • Chishaku-in Temple (Goshuin)
  • Imakumano-Jinja Shrine

Convenience store break

Afternoon in other temples

  • Shorin-ji
  • Sokujo-in Temple
  • Shinzenko-ji
  • Imakumano Kannon-ji Temple
  • Senn-yu Ji
  • Unryu-in
  • Komyo-in
  • Convenience store break

25 minute train to wine bar around 5:30

  • Suba
  • Sumi (wine)

Day 7: (Arashiyama)

Arashiyama (Wake up earlier and get there before the crowd)

  • Skip the forest
  • Tenryuji
  • Jojakkoji
  • Nison-in
  • Seiryōji Temple
  • Daikaku-ji

Train to Omuro-Ninnaji

  • Ninna-ji temple
  • Ryoan-ji
  • Daitoku-ji Temple

Train back home and try two curry spots

Day 8: (Uji + Nara)

Fushimi inari around 8:00am (might just skip it and take it easy in the morning)

Train to Uji around 10:30am

  • Maybe a pottery class

Train to Nara around 1:30 (about 54 minutes)

  • Todai-ji
  • Kofuku-ji
  • Kasuga Taisha
  • National museum
  • Horyu-ji
  • Toshodai-ji
  • Skip the deer because they scare me and I already live on a mountain with them 🙁

Back to Kyoto

Day 9: (Kiyomizu-dera)

Morning-afternoon temples

  • Shoren-in
  • Chionin temple
  • Choraku-ji temple
  • Otani Sobyo temple
  • Kodaiji temple
  • Kenninji temple
  • 陶物師 三島
  • Kiyomizu-dera

Lunch at convenience store

  • Kawai Kanjiro’s house
  • Ice cream and wine

Dinner and grab a beer with the bud

Day 10: (Nanzenji, Higashiyama, Heian Jingu)

Temple day

  • Nanzenji Tenju-an
  • Nanzenji Temple (goshuin)
  • Eikando temple (goshuin)
  • Otoyo shrine
  • Honin-in
  • Higashiyama Jisho-ji
  • Konkani Komyo temple
  • Okazaki Jinja shrine

Shopping around Heian-jingu


Day 11: (Return)

Wake up around 6:30

  • Take the 09:00 train at the latest. Aim for earlier.

Arrive Tokyo around 11

  • Train to airport

Arrive Narita around 1-1:30

  • I don't know what to do here until my flight
  • Cry
  • Maybe i'll buy a ton of alcohol and familymart socks

by brendaaang

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