Iwakuni: What to do

Hi all,

I'll be Travelling to Japan in exactly a month. I leave on the 5th and will be staying until the 24th of September. My plan was to stay in Tokyo several days on both ends with a plan to travel south to Nagasaki in the middle.

Decades ago, my grandfather served in the Marine Corps and was stationed at the marine base down in Iwakuni. I told him about this trip and he told me that, while there, I should visit the bridge and the castle. I thought I would go and take some pictures at the castle for him.

Looking at a map, it's 53 minutes by train to Iwakuni from Hiroshima, which was a planned stop. Would it be better to stay in Hiroshima and take some time to go down and then back up, or should I make it a side stop on the day I go down to Nagasaki?

Am I overthinking this?

by DivineSilverDingo

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