Feeling Torn Between Two Countries! Stay in Japan or return in the future?


I’m of mixed German heritage and grew up in Eastern Europe and Germany. I've been living in Japan for six years now, moved here after university.

While I would like to return to Germany in the future, I have a job I enjoy here and am concerned about the job market in my field in Germany (Academics). However, it's hard for me to imagine staying in Japan forever because I feel a strong connection to Germany, a country I worked so hard to become a part of. I moved there as a child. The language, culture, and sense of belonging make Germany very important to me, and I'm afraid of losing that connection if I decide to live here forever.

This is my dilemma. I really enjoy living in Japan, I really can imagine building a life here, but I miss Germany every day. So I constantly plan to move back there.
Yet, when I visit Germany, I soon find myself wanting to return to Japan asap. It's so crazy!

Maybe I am a 3rd culture person and these struggles are normal, idk.

I'm not sure what to do next, and this constant uncertainty is starting to wear on me.

Would be thankful for any input!

by Aurorapilot5

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