Is somebody next seat confront you about your sound of eating a stupidness or common in Japan?

Like the title said. I feel confront is a correct description because he had a strong tone and altitude while he was saying those shits to me, and told me that’s Japanese manners.

I recognize I was kind of shock (first time seeing this) otherwise I will spin shits on his face.

Don’t teach me follow the rules. I mean you can tell me, but, what? You mad at me about it?

Edit: it happened at a restaurant and a stranger next seat did this. It was about the sound is too noisy rather than quiet.

  1. Imagine having the experience of moving to a foreign country and struggling with the language and still mocking people who speak English as a second language for making mistakes.

    Some of the comments here are just cruel. Funny considering those same people would instantly run here crying to post “Racist Japanese teased me about my Japanese” whenever they don’t get a “nihongo jouzu”.

  2. Do you spin shits like a basketball, one finger, Harlem Globetrotter style? Or do you spin shits by sitting down and spinning your body in a circle?

    Also, how do I English?

  3. Sorry to be clear, you are at a restaurant, and the guy next to you was telling you to stop eating so loudly?
    Just want to make sure I understand the situation.

    That just sounds like some weirdo, never ever heard of anything like this.

  4. dude was just being a shit head, also i eat like a pig and ive had chefs smile at me because obviously the food was fucking great

  5. Assholes all around.

    The people in this thread making fun of your English are assholes.

    The guy in the restaurant wanting you to eat quieter is an asshole for blaming “Japanese culture” instead of his own preferences.

    You’re an asshole for feeling so offended and not just brushing it off as some dick.

    I’m an asshole for pointing out how much of an asshole everyone else is.

    Just assholes everywhere.

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