Foreign dividend withholding tax & NISA

I have a few questions regarding the automatic withholding tax by foreign countries on dividends for stocks listed in their country, for residents of Japan.

  1. Is there somewhere that lists all the dividend withholding tax rates of different countries for residents of Japan? I know the US withholds 10%, I think Canada withholds 15%, I'm less sure about European countries – I asked SBI about the rate for UK stocks (e.g. Barclays) and they said 10%, but searching online I found some places that say the UK doesn't have withholding tax on stock dividends.

  2. How does holding the stock in a NISA account change things? I believe foreign countries will still deduct the withholding tax regardless of which account you hold it in, but is it possible to claim a foreign tax credit for any foreign withheld tax when the stock is held in a NISA account?

by Mayfly9

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