A Block finalists confirmed… and it creates an issue

El Desperado and TJP have qualified first and second in their block respectively, meaning they're moving on to the semi finals next week. However, I feel like this makes tomorrow night a lot more predictable.

The only 3 people in B Block than can go through are Douki, Hiromu and Ishimori. Knowing full well that the finals are main eventing Dominion, the only match that seems to have the scale and size to main event is the ol' Despy/Hiromu will-they-wont-they-kill-each-other-someday. Because of this, Hiromu has to win his block to avoid taking on Despy in the semi finals. This means Ishimori is gonna lose the main and Douki's result doesn't exactly matter in the scope of it all outside of maybe setting up a future title challenge.

It feels like a curse of the year, that they announce it'll finally get a huge spotlight in the main event before we realise unless they're planning an absolutely huge swerve, its gonna be predictable from here.

Small note – not saying predictable is bad. Let's be honest, Despy/Hiromu will be a stellar main event and if anything, hopefully they pull absolutely everything out to truly make it their defining moment. I just feel a little disappointed that the booking of the tournaments has been so stagnant and dull lately. At least the G1 this year feels a bit more open with who could win.

by BenTheHopeless

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