job oppurtunities in okinawa!

hello, first ever post on reddit after being on this app for three years but here goes nothing…

Hi everyone! I'm a 26 yr old male, college graduate looking to find job oppurtunities in Japan….Okinawa specifically because most of my family is from there. I've been living in America since middle school and just recently went on vacation to Okinawa after 17 years. After two weeks there, it was like I fell in love with my home island all over again and ultimately made the decision to pursue moving back by pursuing a good job opportunity, however, I don't know where to start. My bachelors in psychology, I haven't really been utilizing since I graduated due to the poor job market out here and lack of solid experience, instead taking on project specialist roles, managerial type roles since to get some traction going but it's becoming too expensive and again, after visiting I felt the overwhelming sense that, this is home, this is where I want to be more than anything. I was told there are opportunities on base, contractor jobs I could look into, etc but again, would love some pointers, websites, anything to get me going in the right direction and I thought what better place than reddit lol…I know it isn't easy getting down to Oki but nothing else is holding me back in America, and truthfully I'm willing to do anything I can to be back home with my family. Any help, advice, tips would be greatly appreciated, thank you all in advance!

by madeinokinawa97

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