Visa App questions

Hi, I’m filling out my spouse visa application and I’m stupidly stuck on some questions and can’t find a good sample online. The link that may be able to explain it from the consulate’s page is a broken link.

  1. Purpose of visit to Japan/Status of residence. (I’m probably over complicating this, can I just put “to live”? I’m moving to live there permanently with my husband (we are bothering currently in US.) We plan to open a coffee roasting company, I will be working towards permanent residency and hopefully citizenship)

  2. Intended length of stay in Japan. (My visa is 3 yrs, but I’m intending to stay longer)

  3. For current profession/ occupation, again, not sure. We owned our own coffee roastery and cafe, which we’ve closed pending our move. Should I put self-employed (baker) and partner is self-employer (coffee roaster)?

  4. My husband’s mother is my guarantor/reference. There’s a section for “inviter”- should we just put her there as well or can that be n/a?

Thank you!

by sweet_salty_

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