New graded readers for those studying with Genki textbooks!

I just saw that Genki’s publisher Japan Times is working on their own graded reader series called Genki Tadoku Books and wanted to share the news!

There will be different tales and stories for absolute beginners up to lower intermediate learners – 46 books in total! All stories are designed to match the different lessons in the two Genki textbooks and there will be two books to read after each textbook unit with gradually increasing difficulty.

The concept honestly sounds amazing for all learners using Genki! The first 24 graded readers for Genki 1 will be available in August. 22 more books for Genki 2 will follow in November. You can read all about it here: [](

(I’m not affiliated with Genki or their publishers in any way – just really excited about reading ressources in Japanese..!)

  1. Thanks for spreading the news. I agree that this sounds like a great idea if the quality is anything like the ASK Publishing Tadoku graded readers (and I’m guessing that it probably will be, given that the reading comprehension in the textbooks themselves is fairly engaging, especially by the end of Genki I).

  2. I see several volumes featuring メアリー and たけし. Hopefully we are finally going to find out how she learned to knit sweaters so well.

  3. This is really fantastic.

    Genki from my experience is a very blunt tool to learn Japanese as a self-studier … but it’s getting the job done. It’s not always pleasant, fun or easy … but it’s getting me where I want to be.

    I think something like this could be a really enjoyable way to mix up the study routine and make the journey a little more enjoyable some days.

    Really looking forward to this.

  4. Awesome. I’m a bit past Genki, but I’ll probably grab them anyway. Hopefully they make more for Quartet!

  5. Oooo I am very excited about this!! Thank you for sharing. I see it says sold by subscription for groups, I have they will be available for individual purchases as well.

  6. This is EXACTLY what I wanted. After Genki 1 I found reading material that is at Genki 2 level hard to find since it’s either too easy or too difficult. I’m currently reviewing my Genki stuff after a break, so hopefully I can binge these when they are out!

    Looking at the lineup of titles, I’m glad they included non-Genki character stories, like folktales. I hope these books also introduce some new vocabulary and that the Genki 2 books are lengthy.

  7. This is nice, but I’m not a fan of the release structure. Why not put out a single book for each lesson? Or, even better, just one book each for Genki I and II. You can separate them internally by lesson. Having them in a single volume seems much more convenient and cost effective.

  8. I think it’s worth pointing out that each book will include an audio file for narration. From OP’s link:

    > 全冊に朗読音声付き。読みながら聞く、聞いてから読むなど、楽しみ方が広がります。

    My Japanese isn’t great, but I think it says something like, “All volumes include a voiced narration (audio narration?). Listen while you read, or listen and then read, there are many ways to enjoy.”

  9. Exciting stuff, I’ve really struggled to find early reading material. A lot of content is too hard, too low quality or just a really low value for the price. My copy of Yotsuba just shipped though, so that’s nice 😆

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