Stay or check out of hotel day of flight back?

Still trying to figure out how many days to book in the hotel. My flight out of Narita is at 9:30pm. We want to freshen up and finalize our luggage packing before heading to the airport. So, should I book my hotel up to the next day or should I check out the day of? If we do check out the day of, what's our options? How do you guys deal with a late night flight?

by Kaladin_al-Thor

  1. Pack the night before. Check out. Leave luggage with hotel. Go out. Come back to hotel, get luggage, go to airport.

    There are shower facilities in Narita if you need them.

  2. Unless you have young children its overkill. Pack and ship your bags ahead of time. Spend the last day sightseeing – use lockers to stash the last of your luggage. Arrive at Narita early enough to have a shower if you want one. No point being well-rested to get on a flight home!

  3. I left my luggage in the hotel. They were just in the small hall, that was most of the time empty though I guess there were cameras so I suppose it is enough to deter most people.

    My flight was at 8 pm I think. So I packed my luggage before I slept (actually didn’t slept much), slept, checked out and left the luggage at the hotel, went to visit a place, bought few things and came back before 3 pm to go to Narita with my luggage.

  4. I asked my hotel if they allowed for late checkout. They did for a fee up to 6pm and I took that option. We checked out at 5:30pm

  5. My flight out in May was at 11pm so I checked out and had the hotel hold my luggage until 6.

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