Advice on best path to work visa

Hey reddit, 29 year old software eng from US who got burned out from covid and job. Went travelling for a year and spent half the time in Japan, took a bunch of pictures, collected a bunch of goshuin, then returned to SF and now it feels like I live in a 3rd world country. Have a bunch of questions on moving to Japan!

So to move to Japan I need a work visa. From what I read, the most accessible jobs for foreigners are tech/IT and teaching english? I'm halfway through genki 1 so not going to be fluent any time soon. So for applying to tech jobs, I should try international companies or Japanese companies that have an english speaking environment? I have a bachelors degree in computer science from a top 20 US university, and I have 6 years experience as a software engineer, but I'm burned out. Working to recover my mental/physical health, but in case I don't want to continue working in tech, the alternative is to teach English? At an eikawa? Is teaching english a viable/sustainable path to PR?

I don't need a big salary, I just need a sustainable job w/ work visa and doable for someone learning Japanese. Ideally I get a tech job for faster PR (tech job = points system = PR in 3 years?) but I'm afraid of burning out again. If there's some other career I can work for 10 years I'd love to know about it

Other questions, would you recommend using a recruitment agency to find a job? What about signing up for Japanese language school and moving to Japan on student visa for a year? Is student visa conversion to work visa less of a burden for companies? Thanks for any advice!

by solscend

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