Ex Nova teachers- I want to interview you!

Edit: I am looking to speak to pre October 2007 NOVA teachers.


Hi , I worked for NOVA back in 2003/2004 when I was 21/22 years old. I was based in Tsuyama (near Okayama-ken) and had a wonderful time as I was practically adopted by a local family who are still in touch with me to this day. However, the company was a bit crazy with the non-fraternization policy etc.

When I decided to leave the NOVA staff told me I was crazy to give up working for such a great company. I knew they were wrong. A few years later when I was teaching English in Italy I read the news that NOVA had collapsed and left teachers in the lurch.

Now, I am writing a novel about NOVA with largely fictional characters as teachers etc. However, the character of the founder, Nozomu Sahashi is ‘real’ and I find him kind of fascinating despite him being the villain of the NOVA tale. He spent years in Paris doing a physics degree for instance. Took him five years to maybe complete a two year course.

Anyway, I want to interview and chat to some ex NOVA teachers about their time with Usagi. I need details about the training methods, anecdotes – as while I have a few friends and ex- colleagues I want to reach out to more. WOuld love to chat and make some new friends (I now live in the UAE with my family btw).


Thanks and feel free to PM me.

  1. Lived on both coasts and am an expert in culture and know how it goes down and Nova is the best by far, so that’s all there is to say.

  2. Nova of the early days and Nova now are vastly different, I hear. I’m a current employee.

  3. Hi, I was at Nova from 2003 and went down with the ship when it sank. Hit me up.

  4. I worked for Nova from Sept. 2004 to March 2007 when I left for Interac, just a couple of months before the company collapsed and left my friends/former co-workers without pay for a while. Interac took a few but it was limited as it happened in the middle of the school year for Japanese schools. Happy to help if needed.

  5. I have a friend whom along with another gaijin male teacher tag teamed one of the female staff on the classroom table.

    From what I hear nobody back in the day was following the fraternization rules and a lot of people just worked there, and took classes there to hook up.

    I could introduce you for the interview if you want 😂

  6. I can’t help you with Nova. But I have some very interesting stories about meetings with GEOS’s owner Kusunoki Tsuneo. Happy to tell them (if you want a ‘rival’ or just some ideas for CEO antics).

    Edit: GEOS from 2005-2010. Witnessed Nova’s collapse, followed shortly thereafter by GEOS’s collapse.

  7. I worked at NOVA from 1995 till 2007 in a non English department.
    Started as a teacher and climbed up till Staff position.
    Was one of the first who worked at the Multi Media department in Osaka. Ready to talk.

  8. You need details on the training methods? Didn’t you work there? Strange.

  9. An erstwhile student of mine in 2000 (went to Mos Burger with him once, with a small group of students) was later arrested in 2017 for being a paedo.

  10. From the Kyobashi School staff room, circa 1999

    >**Bronwyn**: What’s that student’s name again? Really nice guy.
    **Ryan**: ???
    **Bronwyn**: You know. The one with the fucked-up teeth.
    **Ryan**: Well that *really* narrows it down …

    His name was Akira (and he was a nice guy).

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