Advice to become an Expat

Hi guys,

I am a 24-year-old, Asian-American in Dallas, Texas and graduated from the University of Texas at Arlington with a degree in IT and the STEM field. With a bachelor’s degree and little experience, I decided to do the classic strategy of applying to many jobs and hoping for the best. Luckily, I was able to land a job at Southwest Airlines as an Analyst. It was here I grew a love for analyst work and gained knowledge of the airlines and travel industry. A year later, I was recruited and picked up by Envoy Air, a part of the bigger American Airlines corporation as an Analyst. Now I am in a stable job with benefits, yet I still feel hallow with my life.

Thanks to the benefits of working in with an airline, I was given the privilege of traveling to many places, my favorite being Japan. It was definitely exciting seeing and learning about a part of the world different from my own. This invoked me to make several return trips and learn more about the place. Honestly, I had more fun on my visits to Japan than I had the past few years living in America. More importantly, it made me feel less hallow or gave my life a little more fulfillment. Ultimately leading me to a conclusion.

I have decided to make it a goal to move to Japan. This is something I can see myself doing in 10 years but would like to accomplish before I am 30. I would prefer going as an Expat from a US company, as Japanese company work culture is not idea for me. Yet I do not know where to start or who to talk to. As I am writing this, I am still researching ways and procedures of moving. However, I would like advice from people who have already been through the process or those with more knowledge from me. Should I stick with the airlines industry or try and use my analyst experience elsewhere? Is language learning viable right now or should I wait till I get there? Are there any organizations I can make connections with online or in person? Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated.

by Tran123549

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