Does anyone know how to convert all Ankidroid cards to have furigana?

I created thousands of Ankidroid cards, but none of them have furigana. Does anyone know how to batch edit all of my cards so they will all have furigana? Thanks so much if anyone can help.

  1. Id also love to know if theres a way to do this.

    Aside from that though, it might not be the most visually appealing card youve ever seen but the pattern ive been following with mine has been:


    >koú.kóú ┅━

    Being the accentuated letters/non-accentuated letters the highs and lows of pitch accent, and the ┅━, ⏋and ⏌next to it to let myself know if the pitch after the word stays the same, goes down or goes up.

    This way i can help checking out kanshudo 100 times a day just to remember how a word is supposed to be said.

  2. It’s not possible. Or more accurately, it’s not possible to do correctly. The computer is going to get too many readings wrong for it to be worth the bother of even trying.
    Here’s an example of the problem from what I believe is the most popular automated tool to check readings online.
    The correct reading of 牧場主 is ぼくじょうぬし. That’s not what the tool gives, though. As soon as you get a compound word that isn’t in the dictionary the tool just shits itself, and the same goes if the word has multiple context-sensitive readings.

  3. If you already have a Field, perhaps called Reading, with the correctly formatted kanji expression and furigna between square brackets [], then you can simple add to your Card’s HTML template where needed {{furigana:Reading}}


    If you don’t have the Furigana reeading in your Anki cards, then the following steps might help:

    1. First sync your collection to desktop Anki on your PC. Back up and save your whole collection on your PC.
    2. Install the [Japanse Support Add-in]( for Anki on your PC. Restart Anki.
    3. Ensure your main field is called Expression and you have an empty field called Reading into which your are going to create and load your Furigana readings.
    4. Since these changes to the Fields might be a major change to your database, Anki may tell you that you can no longer sync your collection but you will have to re-upload to Ankiweb (one-way) and download to Ankidroid.
    5. from the Anki Browse view, select just oe card in your deck; click Edit > Bulk-add Readings.
    6. This should automatically add the text with Furigana into your Readings field.
    7. Sync your colleaction to Ankidroid.
    8. If everything works OK, try with several cards and sync. Don’t do too many cards at once in case your Sync to Ankidroid does not go well
    9. If you run into problems, just do a one-way sync from Anki to Ankiweb and then from Ankiweb to Ankidroid (it’s quicker)
    10. When everything has been synced, save another version of your decks as backup on your PC.
    11. Note: Some of the Furigana readings will be incorrect. The Japanse Support add-in and the dictionay which it uses are not perfect, as Rimmer7 says.
    12. To display Furigana on Cards, edit the card and insert where needed {{furigana:Reading}}.
    13. Sync and backup

    Hope this helps. Do let us know how you get on.

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