NISA from Resona – How Different Is It?

I applied to open a NISA account through Resona last week as they’ve been bugging me for a while to do it, and I saw that they offered S&P500 Index. I got approved yesterday, but when I went to start an investment, the S&P is greyed out and I can only purchase their “Resona Wrap Stable Fund”. I can’t really tell what it’s comprised of, and to my knowledge stable funds aren’t really for those interested in growth? I put in my application that my main interest is foreign stocks and growth, so it seems a bit off that this is the only one I was offered, but I’m not really sure how much it differs from other options.

I’m not really asking for advice, just general information on how this differs from what I originally eyed for (S&P).

by TitleVisual6666

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