Best casual biking option for a month in Osaka


Definitely thinking sticking to exploring with a bike share app is the best way to go, so a new question as I try to research it myself at the same time: Are there any good bike share systems that don't require a Japanese phone #?

Still an outside chance of buying a used bike, preferably a folding one. So wondering if there are any good sources for shopping around for one aside from Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist.

Also, does anyone bring folding bikes on the trains?

Hi all,

I know there is plenty of research to do, and I have done some but very interested in gathering some opinions here.

I'll spend about a month in Osaka, staying with my wife in her parents' house, which is a few train stations away from Namba. It will be our third year doing so, and I am sure we will return.

Each time, I get the urge to ride a bike around, perhaps even just a moderate amount. I definitely like it for the purpose of 'exploring the city.' Last year I go to ride one of their 'Mama charis' to the supermarket and even just to a nearby station's area and back, and that itself was a thrill. Even though the tires were probably low on air and it may have had other problems.

I also came close to renting a bike share — Umegle-Chari but that didn't work out. And not sure, but it seems like this company isn't running anymore?

So now, I am considering 3 options:

  1. Get a folding bike – i have one here, which i love, even though i recently haven't used it much. I figure if i could get one at a reasonable price could take advantage of its size to keep it stored at my in-laws' modest sized house without causing too much of a commotion. I get the impression they are not that popular in Osaka, though.
  2. Get a 'regular' bike. I'm not sure if that would mean a mama-chari or something better for distances. If it is possible to take some longer trips with one of these and still "park" it relatively easily around stores and train stations, i might see it as a worthy investment.
  3. Use a 'bike share.' I was too cheap to get a sim card the last few years but splurging for one this time. that may have stopped me from using umegle last time. Although I still don't plan on getting a card with a phone number so not sure if that would be an issue. Anyway, I think this might be best so I don't have to commit. Not sure how much riding I can get done. The prices for these seem a lot more reasonable than here in NY. If people think this would be better than getting my own bike for this kind of brief stay, any recommendations for a service to use would be greatly appreciated.

I know summer, when I will be there, is probably the worst time to ride a bike around for recreation as hot as it is, but still hope to do so carefully and enjoy some more locations than i would be able to do on foot.

As an aside, if there are any people or if there is any community of casual city bicyclers, I'd be glad to hear about it and make your acquaintance!

by Similar_Cod_1716

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