What are my chances ? Is it realistic ?

Let me introduce myself: I am a (26M) French national with an IT engineering degree (graduated in 2020).
Currently, working as a DevOps engineer at a major company in France, with over three years of experience in the field. I wish to pursue in that field as a career goal : Cloud / DevOps engineer.

I have a TOEIC score of 965 – I'm fine using english daily, profesionnally it's already what I'm doing as my current job is 100% english – and passed the JLPT N4 last December. I'm now preparing for the N3 level, which I hope to pass this December.

As for my Japan visits :

  • February 2020 for two weeks, just before the global outbreak of COVID-19
  • May 2023 for another two-week stay
  • January 2024 for a whole month

After all these trips, I've fallen in love with the language, the people, the culture, and the cities in Japan. I now feel that I have reached a point in my life where I've gained enough professional skills and language knowledge to pursue a job in Japan—or at least try to. My goal is to find a position in Tokyo.

Currently, my salary in France is around 7 million JPY. I'm hoping to find a job that offers at least that amount, if not more. So, my question is: How realistic is this expectation? What are my chances?

I know this is a bit of a long shot, but I'm hoping some of you might have been in my position before or are experiencing something similar now. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


P.S.: I'll probably start job hunting around early next year.

Edited : Ok, so after doing some research, I discovered that I have a Computer Science Engineering degree, not an IT engineering one. It was a bit confusing at first, but I needed to check the exact terminology of my degree. So, yay for that!

by Syrosh

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