Studying Japanese in Japan, School Recommendation + Other Tips & Info Needed.

Hello, this is my first post here. I wanted to study Japanese in Japan so that I could use it for work in the future. I have been doing some research, and this is the list of Japanese language schools that seem to be the best for overseas students.


These lists are made from online website rankings and other people's experiences. The list I provided is not ranked in any order and is completely random.

I've been trying to find the best school because I need to study the language seriously, and information on whether graduating from a certain school would be more desirable for potential future employment.

Of course, I still want to make friends and have a decent life there, but I would still like to make studying the highest priority, so any information or experience that you might have being in any of these schools would be appreciated. Of course, another school recommendation is also accepted.

As for a bit about myself, I need to preface that I have a complete inability to speak Japanese whatsoever. Completely zero. I know this will be scrutinized by some people, going to Japan without the ability to communicate whatsoever, but due to circumstances, I found that I can only focus on one thing and one thing only, and completely work on that one thing to master it. Needless to say, I have done very badly in grade/middle/high school where you have to study multiple things at once. I would study in my own country first, but there is no Japanese language school that focuses on the language itself intensively. The best I could find was a twice-a-week, three-hour session to study the language. I know I should've committed to it by myself, but I found that I can only focus when my environment forces me to do so.

To summarize:

  • A list of schools found from online research, not in any order.
  • Need school recommendation. (best school that starts at complete 0 understanding of the Japanese language)
  • Experience with any Japanese language school and what I can expect.
  • I can't study by myself in my country, so I decided that studying in Japan is the best way to force myself to master it.
  • I don't mind the location or cost, just the best the school can offer to reach N1.

I apologize for the strange wording in this post as English is not my first language, and if this post is not allowed here then I will take it down. Thank you very much for everyone's help!

by Cable_Modem

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