My thoughts on the G1 Climax 34 A-Block as a very new NJPW fan

I started watching NJPW right after Dominion and have almost no prior knowledge besides a little about the histories of a few WWE guys that have come from there.

Zack Sabre Jr.- Only knew a little about him before the tournament. Mostly because he’s one of, if not the best technical wrestler in the world. I’ve never really been a fan of that kind of wrestling but something about the way he’s so fluid in the ring makes him addicting to watch. I still find his face and voice annoying but it’s grown on me. Anyways, according to wikipedia, he hasn’t really won much in NJPW, so I’m betting on him winning the G1 and winning the belt soon.

Shingo Takagi – This dude hits. Like he really hits. I’m a big fan of meaty men slapping each others meat and his beefcake wrestling has me enamored. His match against Kidd was my favorite this tournament easily, but it’s closely followed by his match against Sanada, and his match against Zack. Excited to see his matches in the playoffs, and honestly wouldn’t mind him going through to the finals.

Great O-Khan – He’s won me over throughout this tournament but admittedly, I’m still just not super into him. But, he’s put on some great matches and seems like he really deserves the push he’s getting so go him! Excited for him to eventually win me over to his side one day.

EVIL – I think this dude is hilarious. Everything from his attire, his goons, and the stupid camera zoom on him when he gets in the ring during his entrance is just straight. Fucking. Hilarious. I can see why people don’t like him but he gets a lot of laughs out of me, so therefore I think he’s great. Oh! And also him thinking he’s president of NJPW??? I’m sorry I’m sorry… but it’s just funny LMAO

Naito – I really wish I got to witness Naito’s prime live. I think his troll attitude is fantastic, and I can tell that he was once an amazing wrestler. But I can’t help but say that most his matches in the G1, and also his match against Mox at Forbidden Door were just bad. He’s had some good matches throughout the tourney, but overall he just hasn’t been impressive. I know for a fact though, that if I got to watch Naito’s prime, he’d be one of my favorites of all time.

Sanada – Ehhhh not too much to say about him tbh. He’s got a great look, a good faction, an amazing name lol. But I just can’t get into him and whatever his character is at the moment. Hope that changes eventually, because I want to be a fan of his.

Jake Lee – Again, don’t really have much to say about him. Great look, good concept, and an another amazing name lmao. I knew he was viewed as a pretty bad wrestler before the G1, but he really kept getting better and better every match. Excited to see what’s next for him, and really intrigued to see his dynamic with the other War Dogs, besides Kidd.

Gabe Kidd – Initially thought he was an annoying McGregor rip off whenever I first started watching, but even before the G1, him and the War Dogs made me a fan. Maybe it’s because I’m a shitty WWE mark and I recognized the Bullet Club name, so I jumped on. Idk. But he’s had an amazing tournament and has made himself one of the top dogs of the young generation in NJPW. Without a doubt, my favorite performer this tournament, and one of my favorites wrestler in all of NJPW.

Shota Umino – Boy… this kid is something. Weird because I loved rooting for him throughout this whole tournament and honesty wanted him to go through, but something’s just off about him. Of course I know about his prior injury, but his problem almost comes off as identity crisis. I’ve never seen someone so unhappy to high five fans lol. I hope they drop this good boy gimmick and give him something better. With all that being said though, he was one of my favorites throughout the tourney and really hooked me in the Gabe match. He has a bright future regardless and I’m excited to follow it!

Calling Newman – Another kid with a bright future! His youth really showed in this tournament and honestly I think that’s okay. He’s what, 21? He has so so SO much time to develop and shed this Ospreay gimmick. Obvious to see he’s set up for huge success eventually. High high hopes for him!

My top 5 favorite matches from this block (in no order):

Gabe Kidd vs Shingo Takagi – Meat slapping meat, one of them has almost surely started developing CTE after that match

Gabe Kidd vs Shota Umino – Hope these guys have a blood feud with each other for the rest of their lives

Shingo Takagi vs Zack Sabre Jr. – Two wrestlers getting the absolute best out of each other

Zack Sabre Jr. vs SANADA – This is what I want to see from SANADA more, please and thank you

Zack Sabre Jr. vs EVIL – Wrestling at its finest. Never seen a five star classic that was under 20 mins… they managed to do one in about 5. As WWE marks say, cinema. (Ok ok I’m being dramatic now but genuinely, this was one of my favorite matches from the block purely because of how much it made me laugh)

Sorry for typos

by kashebe

  1. Don’t worry about your read on Umino, you’re understanding his current character better than most people

  2. The biggest problem with Umino this tournament is that he was working through the injury, and he was so clearly disinterested in playing the White Meat Babyface with the playing to the crowd stuff, which is a problem when over in Block B we had had the Meatiest of White Meat Babyfaces in Uemura. With the Heat Storm seemingly finally finding his footing, hopefully they’ll move Shooter away from that role and more into the take no shit brawler character he very clearly is more comfortable in playing and they can both shine.

  3. You should go back and watch Naito’s early stuff if you get the time. A lot of his matches with Okada and Omega were amazing

  4. Pretty spot on read for someone who just watched it with brand new eyes – especially Umino who I think has the tools to succeed, but the office/Umino are going to find a way to get the character over.

  5. You got it! This G1 has been so awesome. Shin Nihon is BACK after years of mediocrity! I want Zack to win but also don’t wanna work myself into a shoot.

  6. EVIL IS the President of NJPW btw. It’s not a bit since he has an actual t-shirt and news articles that says it

  7. I know it will never happen but god what i would do to have shota umino in bullet club..

  8. Glad you are enjoying NJPW, this year’s tournament is a renaissance of making New Japan feel like a global stage again

    I have to respond to your thoughts on ZSJ

    He has VERY much accomplished alot in NJPW.
    You can’t look at titles solely as accomplishments. Winning the G1 is one of the highest honors, and treated as almost an equivalent to winning the World title. The 3rd highest honor is winning the New Japan Cup, and ZSJ is not only one of TWO Gaijin to win it, he has won it TWICE. That’s important

    NJPW does long multi year story arcs for their wrestlers, I can’t speak for everyone, but the crossover of individual career arcs is what makes their product unique to me. Guys can go years without facing eachother 1 vs 1, and when they do the announcers are on the spot to mention their records head to head and what the finishes were.

    Idk if Zach is gonna win the G1 but the fact they have him with a bye and booked strong throughout block play is a big sign of faith.

    Its an exciting time for ZSJ fans

  9. I’m not sure whether we’re supposed to be reading Shota as being disinterested in fan service and just doing it because he wants to be The Ace and that’s what The Ace does, or as him simply being nervous every time he makes his entrance (because of the pressure he’s under) in a way that he can’t hide. And I could see how either one would work with his long-term story.

  10. Naito in his prime was unbelievable.

    Reason he is top of the company when he is not in his prime, is he was never often top of the company when in his prime. Even though he sold more merch than Okada….

    Sanada changed his character and gimmick last year and immediately won the WHC. Which at the time was amazing. I still love him but a character change may be a good thing, dude is top tier in the ring.

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