Nagoya: good for American family?

Hello, my family may be relocating to Nagoya, Japan for a work opportunity. This could be 1-2 year assignment. We have 2 children, one elementary age and other middle school age.
Before the pandemic we lived abroad in Ireland with them, and prior to kids we have lived in several places in Europe and Latin America. So we aren’t new to traveling or living abroad but are new to Japan, as none of us have ever been. We have not had the opportunity to explore any parts of Asia in fact, so it excites us to have the potential opportunity to do so. However, being unfamiliar also gives me pause given my children are at an interesting age where their school/activities are what our life mostly revolves around. So I’d love your opinions on all things – the good, the bad, of Nagoya for an American family. We do not speak Japanese unfortunately – but of course will try hard to learn before and during our stay.

Will we be able to find and join easily:
Typical sport activities like: swim team, soccer, ballet, basketball, etc. Are there recreation centers/YMCA/community type places to do extracurriculars?
School situation: we may just homeschool so we have flexibility to travel about Japan during the week but curious if it’s possible to go to regular public school here (heard it probably will be too intense bc of language) or good international school opportunity?
Any other tips or thoughts?
Thank you 🙏

by Met163

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