Going to Japan and looking for online Japanese classes

Hi y’all! I’m looking for an online Japanese class that I can take in preparation for a Japan trip coming up in May. I’ve been self teaching myself Japanese on and off for several years, but I’m pretty rusty.

I have a pretty decent understanding of some basic Japanese grammar concepts like participle usage, verb usage and “conjugation”, etc and the I would say I can identify a fair bit of kanji, let’s just say the 200 most basic kanji. I can’t write Japanese very well anymore, but it’s not really a focus for me if all I want to do is be able to speak, read, and understand.

I’m hoping to find a class that isn’t total beginner and well-suited to my level of Japanese, and has a focus on speaking reading and listening. If anyone has any recommendations I would be happy to hear them out. I am also happy to pay for classes. Hopefully not something crazy expensive, but willing to shell out a bit if it means I am able to function decently well once in Japan.


Edit: I am in Austin, TX if that’s helpful information for anyone giving recs

by nickg000

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