Ryokan Onsen in early-mid December


Apologies for what I'm sure is a common topic. Been researching over some days and finally decided to cave and ask reddit. My partner and I are looking for a higher end ryokan onsen. I'll just list out what we are looking for. We can compromise on some! We plan on being there for a weekend in around early to mid december.

  • under $500 per person per night ($2k for 2 nights)
  • Between Tokyo & Kyoto (basically not obnoxious to get there since we are going tokyo -> ryokan onsen -> kyoto), super flexible with getting there and where as long as it's feasible and doesn't have annoying public transport to get there.
  • Partner is tattooed, so a private bath and / or a place that won't care if they cover it up.
  • Looking for something a little more remote / not overrun by tourists. Not huge on Hakone for this reason (explored Atami / Kanazawa and kagaonsen nearby) but I could be convinced.
  • Something closer to nature (particularly rivers or mountains), would be a huge plus if the room had a private open-air bath embedded in nature.

Thank you in advance!! Do let me know if my budget is unrealistic for what we want but from my research across a couple of threads, $500~ is on the higher end so I hope we can find something!

by Piedude223

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